Natalie Anna Jacobsen Writes
Debut Novel
For years I have been researching, writing, editing, and collaborating with experts to bring this ghost story to life. Set in 1877 Japan, this historical fantasy draws from true events during the Meiji Era, and explores how culture and society changed under dramatic new leadership.
Publication is set for Fall 2024 with SelectBooks, under publisher Kenzi Sugihara.
Reporter, Photojournalist
Japan was the place I called home for six years; a place where I resided, worked, played, studied, and loved. Many experiences, events, and people who broadened my perspective while on this journey are captured in these stories and reflections I recorded along the way.
At the jump, read and browse a number of those articles and pieces.
Investigative Journalist
At age 13, The Hillsboro Argus offered me my very first publication opportunity: to review the fifth Harry Potter book. Since then, I have seen my words and photos published in: Washington Post, C-Ville Weekly, Rewire, Daily Beast, The Wire, and more.
From Virginia to Oregon to Ghana, stories left untold drive me to travel further to ensure their voice gets heard. Even if it means going to Court to be able to tell it. After the VA Governor and VA Police denied a FOIA request, RCFP helped me take them to Court — and win. Read those reports and more here.
Leader, Strategist, Creator
Whether in charity, technology, government, or media and entertainment, my career has taken me through many sectors, building my skillset and granting me opportunities to help companies and organizations reach their goals and tell the right story.
Learn about my collaborations and read from my professional blogs on marketing trends, tips, and more.